15 April 2010

Please, Mr. Clutter!

I sang that to the tune of “Please Mr. Custer, I don’t wanna go!” hahah. I’m a freak like that. I will avoid the ceremonious pointing out of the horror of my lack of bloggage and just get on with it ;)

Lately I’ve been feeling really blah. Part of it is that I’ve been practically living in my car and doing so many things away from home that when I AM home, I don’t want to do anything that needs to be done. I’m cluttered. I need to DEclutter so badly. My car, my room, my life, etc. But where does one start?

And then I have begun to wonder: Would I even be READY to be married in the state in which I live? Seriously… SHARE a room with someone? Closet and storage space?! It’s not that I wouldn’t WANT to, mind you, the question is: would I be able to effectively transition to said sharing? Looking around my pitiful and bulging room, it would appear to me that an overhaul is in order. But again, I ask, where does one start? I’ve got storage bins and organizers aplenty… I’ve got who’s its and what’s it galore! You want lots of makeup bags? I got close to 40. Seriously. *sigh*

I think my life needs some new direction, some change, some pull me out of this ruttedness. Is it because Spring is beginning? New life, change and back on the path to a fullness that we call summer? I’m supposed to be in the summer of my life, not the drudgy depths of winter! Don’t get me wrong, I’m not emotionally depressed. Just… stuck right now, I guess. A yearning for whatever it is that’s around the corner… or whizzing down the river… come on deliver to me!!!! This is a random lyric-filled post, too! How many songs can YOU name that I’ve already quoted?! Challenge extended!

OK, ok… any thoughts on decluttering and organizing? Tips and advice and things? It’s getting late, and this post is brought to you by the letters Z and z… Honestly, I’ll try and be better and write more. Just promise me that you’ll comment me and validate me.

Does this mess of a vanity portray my OWN vanity? Sure hope not!!!! Oye!!!


Anonymous said...

What you need to do is find a man who is an OCD freak. I used to be an incredibly cluttery person and then married and moved in with my husband. We sort of taught each other how to be more like each other... I became much more of a clean freak/organizer and he's become much more lazy in how he treats our home. He obviously got the better of this deal, but since he travels with the air force so much, I only really deal with it like 7 days out of each month. I can't say I'm a fan of our role reversal in means of cleaning up after him... but somewhere in there, he taught me how to keep up. I'm a big fan of that!

Anonymous said...

Not sure that the OCD man will be the best solution. The OCD relationship sounds like a fluke! I've lived with you and think you'd drive and OCD guy to the edge! My hubby isn't OCD and my clutter drives him batty - even though he travels 60% of the time. I keep all of the main living areas completely tidy, but my greenhouse and every closet space is full of stuff. He hates this! He hates my tupperware cupboard and grimaces and grunts before opening it.
We only have a tiny closet in our room and I don't have that many clothes, but together our hangers were tight - causing him to claim another closet for his clothes.

Anyway, clutter, things, and all of that don't make a relationship. They can hurt some relationships - but you already are acknowledging this.
Moving in with another person may help you prioritize things. I left most of my stuff behind when I moved to be with my husband. Some days I miss some of the items left behind - but I'd choose my husband 1st every time!

Bottom line - sounds like you need to have a garage sale or donate some of your stuff for a tax deductable write-off in 2010! Good luck!

An old (the oldest of them all) roomie from Ypsitucky

Anonymous said...

Not sure that the OCD man will be the best solution. The OCD relationship sounds like a fluke! I've lived with you and think you'd drive and OCD guy to the edge! My hubby isn't OCD and my clutter drives him batty - even though he travels 60% of the time. I keep all of the main living areas completely tidy, but my greenhouse and every closet space is full of stuff. He hates this! He hates my tupperware cupboard and grimaces and grunts before opening it.
We only have a tiny closet in our room and I don't have that many clothes, but together our hangers were tight - causing him to claim another closet for his clothes.

Anyway, clutter, things, and all of that don't make a relationship. They can hurt some relationships - but you already are acknowledging this.
Moving in with another person may help you prioritize things. I left most of my stuff behind when I moved to be with my husband. Some days I miss some of the items left behind - but I'd choose my husband 1st every time!

Bottom line - sounds like you need to have a garage sale or donate some of your stuff for a tax deductable write-off in 2010! Good luck!

An old (the oldest of them all) roomie from Ypsitucky

Angela said...

I think the OCD guy would drive me INSANE. A co-worker talks about her live-in BF that can't leave without double checking all of the locks, appliances, etc. True OCD. I couldn't deal with it. I'd take my clutter over that, I think!
But I should possibly try to sell/donate some things. I've decluttered a lit bit in the past year, but oye i say!

Eva McGann said...

Watch an episode of Hoarders on A&E and you will get rid of your stuff so fast your head will spin. Every time I watch it it makes me want to go clean and get rid of stuff and I don't even have clutter in my house!

Sandy said...

Dude. I just bought a over the door hangy thing for organizing. Changed my life! Fa'rill.