06 October 2008

That, my friend, is what they call closure!

I’ve been watching the series Felicity recently. I didn't watch it while it was on tv and have been enjoying the drama of it all on DVD. It’s all about relationships and the twists, turns, and evolution of said relationships. As I was watching an episode of season 2 recently, the character of Felicity reflected that perhaps we never truly get over old loves… but rather, we just learn to live with it [the loss].

I really thought that that was somewhat profound. I’m sure that most of us have loved and lost… and/or loved and not ever obtained… Regardless of the form of said loss, it is loss.

Loss doesn’t equate with the end of loving. It’s a process to heal, sure, but you don’t necessarily stop loving. I guess you just stop nurturing that love. Without the nurturing, it ceases to grow. For awhile, it will remain stagnant or unchanging, but soon, it will lessen. It will start to shrivel up when that relationship enters its winter. There seems to me, though, that there is always a root… That doesn’t mean that nothing else can grow there, of course. It just means that the bloom that was once there has withered away, making room for a new bloom.

I can’t pretend to be knowledgeable of flowering ways, but that was just the flow of my thoughts. I look back on the boys and men I’ve loved. Each time the roots grow stronger. The stronger the roots, the more tender the remembrance seems to be. I have not stopped loving, but simply, I have learned to live without the bloom of that love and the roots become a foundation for the next bloom…


Marie M. said...

I enjoyed reading your blog. I like your writing, and I think many of the ideas expressed reflect some deep and positive thinking. Thanks for sharing

Chantalita said...

I completely agree with Felicity's thought, for me anyway. I do think that different people are built differently emotionally, so maybe some people move on. I know that I don't.

Karen Ella said...

Deep, Gebus. Deep. And oh so, inexplicably RIGHT. oi.