06 October 2008

Can Anybody find me Someone to Love?

I have found myself to be quite lucky in that most of my life I’ve never had to deal much with pressure from people about my single status. I’ve never been one to receive offers for set-ups or blind dates or anything of that nature. I have rather enjoyed this lack of meddling, to be honest.

Recently, however, I met someone that apparently feels the need to set anybody and everybody up. Or at least suggest hook-ups. Now, the thing is, this person lacks the… intuition of a matchmaker. This person seems to think that the only thing people need in common is their single status.

I’m sure I’ve mentioned in previous posts, older guys kinda freak me out. Yes, I’ve accepted the fact that I’m 31 and can even say 31 without starting to heave! But I’m not at a point in my life where a guy in his mid to late 40’s is NOT gonna freak me out (unless of course he’s George Clooney!). I don’t think that it’s really the age… but personality compatibility is absolutely necessary. I have a young, fun heart. A middle-aged man that fits in the middle aged personality category and I are probably not gonna be so compatible.

Does this qualify me as shallow? I don’t think so. There is an element of chemistry that is necessary when choosing an eternal companion, is there not? Like-mindedness is a desirable component in a relationship! In reality, I know that age doesn’t matter… Although, someone that is closer to my mother’s age than mine… Well, can you BLAME me for freaking out?!!? I mean, really.

I’ve been accused of being too picky. But really? Just because I’m not willing to settle for less than happily everafter? Granted, it’s not like I’ve had options, but nevertheless… I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having standards and expectations – as long as they are realistic. I’m not so anal about it that I would turn someone away simply because of his age. Though, I will not settle for less than an active, worthy member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. There are some preferences that are negotiable… but in like manner, there are some that are not. To quote Alanis, “Not necessarily needs, but qualities that I prefer. I figure I can describe it since I have a choice in the matter…”

It’s not easy being ever alone. But I feel that, in a way, God is protecting me. I’m not being tempted by the fruit of one who is unworthy. I’m not falling in love with someone that cannot make me happy. It’s not always so bad. And underneath it all, there is hope. As we were reminded this weekend by Elder Russell M. Nelson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, there is no blessing that will be withheld from us if we are worthy of it. At times it is difficult to consider that it could possibly be in the next life before I am to realize this righteous desire of eternal companionship… But it fosters hope that I am on the right path. And when all is said and done, “I’m in no hurry… I could wait forever, I’m in no rush ‘cause I like being solo there are no worries and certainly no pressure, in the meantime I’ll live like there’s no tomorrow…”


Tanya McKibben said...

I love this post Angela. I wish my sister felt the same way you do about not setteling for something that in the long run will not make you happy. You are not shallow for not wanting to date creepy older guys :) Keep those standards high!

Me said...

I cannot believe that you are not totally excited to date someone who is almost eligible to receive social security, what is wrong with you? Seriously you are not shallow. You are one of the most amazing people I know and you deserve someone as equally amazing. He is out there! Stay who you are, stay happy and never settle.

Karen Ella said...

Ah the joys of a self-proclaimed yente. BLAH. I have to agree whole-heartedly with your blog AND the comments already on here. As I type, a little 19 year old blondie is announcing two cubicles over that she is "preggers"...yeeshk. Keep the faith. That is the only way to truly be happy.