21 October 2009

Hope and Happiness?

I had an interesting discussion with one of my non-Mo friends recently. She, too, is single. And I must say she’s beautiful, intelligent, funny and down-to-earth. Again with the I don’t understand why she isn’t WITH someone already. The ones that she has liked and dated have chosen not to be with her, and frankly it just proves that these guys were seriously lacking in the sense department. Granted, that’s not always the case and there has to be chemistry and relationships need to click… But man ALIVE. Anyway, back to our discussion.

We were talking about how even though at times it seems futile that we’ll ever find someone with whom we may share our lives, and intellectually we’re ready to just give up and chalk ourselves up to a solitary mortality… There’s this undying HOPE within us that someday… Someday he’ll come along. Someday there WILL be a right one at the right time.

My friend’s wondering thought was: Would I just be happier to accept that it’s never going to happen and just accept that being single is it for me?

I won’t lie when I say that I, too, have wondered this. And that for some reason there is this hope deep down that won’t go away, won’t die. Intellectually, I’m so done with it because in the past 3 years I’ve only even met one person that would be worth getting to know in the romantic arena. But is that doubt, that fear – hopelessness – BETTER than having an unwavering secret hope that it will eventually all work out with someone?

I guess simply even looking at the adjectives themselves… Hopelessness, fear, and doubt are not synonymous with HAPPY. But unwavering hope is synonymous with light, goodness and yes, I daresay happiness.

One of the great blessings in the knowledge of the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ is the knowledge that God is aware of us because we are His children and He loves us. He wants what is best for us and as we strive toward following the path that He would have us tread, we can be assured that there is no blessing that He will withhold from us if we live as closely to that path as we possibly can – and even when we stray, the atonement of Jesus Christ is there to make up for those strayed moments. When we realize that this mortality is just a blink of time in our existence, does it REALLY matter whether we find our eternal companion now? Or later? Sure, in my mortal mind and heart, it might kind of suck. But there is a fullness of joy that I would rather be working toward, which in the eternities can and will include a companion.

So I guess that hope that is unwavering isn’t really futile. Because as long as I am true to myself and what I know to be true, there will be a “someday.” And that someday will be so worth the wait.


Melissa Chorba said...

I just wanted to say I really enjoyed this post :)

Chantalita said...

I agree. It is better to have hope than to live without it!!

Sandy said...

Great post yo. And yes, it does "kind of suck." lol.