19 April 2009

Out of the Mouths of Babes

I had the most hysterical encounter with a girl at church today. Adriana is a little spitfire. Redheaded, quick witted and 9. She was sitting in front of me at church today and randomly asks me, "are you ever going to get married?" I was not expecting the question and just kinda paused a moment and somewhat giggled to myself while I said, "sure... someday." And she looks at me and in her spitfire way says, "you're going to grow old and die alone." I seriously just started laughing.
While some may feel this would be a depressing experience I honestly think it's just hysterical. As of lately, I have been feeling that I'm in a good place with my single status. My feelings haven't been complicated by an unrequited crush for some time now (as there are no options in my area). I don't know if that's why it has helped me feel in a good place or not. I haven't tortured myself over anyone for quite some time now. hahha. That's what we women do, isn't it? Until we find "the one?" We torture ourselves over man after man? I for one have felt plenty of torture and am [hopefully] done.
I also have come to the conclusion that I must believe and trust in God's timetable for me. Right? I mean, He does know what's best. And as long as I remain steadfast and true to Him, He is bound to the promises which have been made me. And I figure, just like Sarah, the mother of Isaac, she almost laughed at the prophecy that she'd bear a child when she was past the age of child bearing. God was able to allow her to bear a child when it seemed impossible. I figure He can lead a worthy priesthood holding man to northeast Ohio for me. :) As impossible as it may seem - it can be done. So, that's what I'm holding out for. A miracle of my very own.


Anonymous said...


Your very talented, and your strength is admirable. I've enjoyed your blog and would recomend it to any young woman (men too). I'm very moved by it and want you to know, you are a great role model and many need to hear you and wish more would listen!


DontYouWishYouWereUS said...

That little girl is funny. I believe what you said about Sarah, I also believe what you said about God's time table. Thank you for sharing this with me.

Eva McGann said...

Oh boy Adriana! Well you have such a good spirit about it. I am not sure that I could have laughed that off. I would immediately be thinking..."She must have heard that from somewhere...who is talking about ME?!" There is a man out there just waiting for you. I know.

Eva McGann said...

it. The last part of "I know" was supposed to be "I know it." Can't believe I got ME a MAN b/c I am obviously ILLITERATE!

Anonymous said...

Haha yeah that was pretty funny!!
But you should've said red girl said that ha jacob is soo cute
i dont feel like going through the google thing so you know who this is :)